Friday 3 June 2011

***RECIPE*** Pasta with Artichoke Hearts, Pine Nuts and Green Olives

Our friends at Joshua's Harvest in Devon have come up with the following recipe which we think is fab!

You will need:

The Bay Tree Trofie Tricolori
Olive Oil
Salt & Pepper
Balsamic Vinegar
Green Olives
Pine Nuts

Drain the artichokes, cut into halves and baste with some of the olive oil, salt, pepper and Tabasco then place under a hot grill for about 15 minutes, turning at least once.  Remove from the grill and marinate in olive oil (reserve 1 tbsp of olive oil) crushed garlic and balsamic vinegar for at least one hour.

Bring a large pan of salted water to the boil; add the reserved spoon of olive oil.  Add the pasta, stir once at the beginning then lower the heat a little and cook to pasta packet instructions.  Once cooked, drain and refresh briefly under cold water.  Quickly return to the pan, add the artichoke hearts and the marinade, add the green olives.  Heat through quickly, tossing the ingredients and finish off at the last moment with the toasted pine nuts, coriander, seasoning to taste.  Serve immediately with the grated parmesan.


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